How to install Oracle Communications Design Studio in a Nutshell

  1. Download the Design Studio at, I am downloading the version;
  2. You will need the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse ( based on Eclipse 3.8 (Juno), download available at, that page is not rendering correctly on Google Chrome nor IE, there is a logo covering the link you will need to download, it is good idea to use Firefox ;
  3. It is good idea to adjust Java VM variables at the eclipse.ini file to at least 1GB;
  4. Once you have extracted the design studio to a folder, go to eclipse install new software and point to the “update” folder that you can find at the extracted folder;
  5. Select both items and proceed the installation;

That´s it.

You can find the entire detailed manual at, under Oracle Communications then Oracle Communications Design Studio 7.2.2 Documentation.

Thank you.